Prompt suggestion

Prompt suggestion


📋 Formatting & Structuring

Convert it into a [format]
Apply visual elements like headings or lists to enhance the content's appearance
Reorder the content in a new sequence
Modify the length to [number] words
Provide me with [number] alternative versions
Translate the content into another language
Arrange the content according to a timeline
Transform the content into a video script
Systematically organize the content in a table with appropriate column headers

Tone & Voice

Make the content more [adjective]
Employ rhetorical devices to highlight key points
Adopt a different point of view, such as first or second person
Apply a journalistic tone to present the content
Use a conversational tone to make the content relatable
Incorporate [sensory, figurative or emotional language] for a more immersive experience
Adopt a unique voice, like a character or narrator, to enliven the content

🌟 Elaboration

Add more information about [relevant points]
Expand on the [following] details
Elaborate on character descriptions
Customize the content for a particular audience
Share personal anecdotes
Incorporate a call to action
Insert a relevant quote
Adapt the content to [audience]
Describe scenes in greater detail, as if writing a film script
Focus on [specific details] and offer more depth and context

📚 References & Data

Add references or citations
Attach footnotes or endnotes for extra context or information
Apply scientific language and research to support the content
Use primary sources like interviews or documents for authenticity and depth
Quote experts or thought leaders to enhance credibility and authority
Include case studies or real-world examples to demonstrate practical applications of the data