Performance review

Performance review

  1. copy the prompt
  1. paste in chatGPT
  1. If there is a placeholder, usually in this format [placeholder], replace it once you will have copied the prompt inside ChatGPT.
10 ChatGPT prompts for performance review
“Develop a comprehensive employee performance review system for {company name}, taking into account these {crucial factors}.”
“Craft a set of constructive feedback examples for a {job_title} during a performance review, addressing these {key performance areas}.”
“Compose a guide on setting and tracking SMART goals for a {job title} as part of their performance review, focusing on these {essential components}.”
“Design a performance improvement plan (PIP) for a {job title} at {company name}, highlighting these {milestones}, {resources} and {expectations}.”
“Formulate a list of insightful questions for managers to ask during a performance review with a {job title}, targeting these {critical aspects} of their role”
“Create a step-by-step guide for preparing and conducting a productive performance review meeting for a {job title}, emphasizing these {best practices}.”
“Construct a series of email templates for scheduling, reminding, and following up on performance review meetings with a {job title}, covering these {key points}.”
“Devise a strategy for measuring and evaluating the impact of performance reviews on employee engagement and productivity at {company name}, considering these {metrics} and {tools}.”
“Generate tips and best practices for providing effective feedback and coaching during a performance review for a {job title}, focusing on these {communication techniques}.”
“Write a guide on incorporating self-assessments and peer feedback into the performance review process for a {job title}, addressing these {essential elements}.”


Provide clear and concise information about the specific crisis situation to help ChatGPT generate more accurate and relevant responses.
Give ChatGPT context about the severity of the crisis situation to ensure that the generated responses are appropriately sensitive and empathetic.
Consider providing ChatGPT with details about the target audience, such as their age, location, or profession, to help tailor the guidance to their specific needs.