Generating customer testimonials
Generating customer testimonials

Generating customer testimonials


ChatGPT is an AI language model that can be a valuable tool for generating customer testimonials. With its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can quickly analyze customer feedback and generate compelling and authentic testimonials that can be used in marketing materials and on websites. Whether you need a few testimonials or hundreds, ChatGPT can streamline the process, saving your business time and effort.
  1. copy the prompt
  1. paste in chatGPT
  1. If there is a placeholder, usually in this format [placeholder], replace it once you will have copied the prompt inside ChatGPT.


"Hey ChatGPT, can you create a testimonial for [Product/Service Name] that highlights [specific feature/benefit] and how it [has/will] benefit [target audience], [e.g. small business owners]?"
"ChatGPT, can you generate a testimonial from a customer who had [positive experience] while using [Product/Service Name]? Please include [specific detail], and [phrase/quote the customer used], if possible."
"I need a testimonial for [Product/Service Name] from a customer in the [industry/niche] who has [specific pain point]. ChatGPT, can you generate a testimonial that speaks to [how/why] [Product/Service Name] solved [his/her/their] problem and [improved/enhanced/benefited] [his/her/their] [specific outcome]?"
"ChatGPT, I need a testimonial for [Product/Service Name] that emphasizes [specific benefit/feature] and how it helped the customer achieve [specific outcome]. Can you create a testimonial that speaks to this, and [include/mention] the [additional benefit/feature] that [Product/Service Name] offers?"
"Can you create a testimonial from a customer who was hesitant to use [Product/Service Name] at first but was ultimately impressed with the results? Please include details on [what/who] convinced [him/her/them] to give [Product/Service Name] a try, and how [it/they] exceeded [his/her/their] expectations."


Use specific prompts to get the most relevant and valuable testimonials. Instead of asking for a generic testimonial, ask ChatGPT to generate testimonials that highlight specific benefits or features of your product or service.
Don't be afraid to experiment with different prompts and inputs to get the best results. ChatGPT can generate different responses depending on the inputs provided, so try different variations and see what works best.
Edit and refine the generated testimonials to ensure they are accurate, relevant, and compelling. While ChatGPT can generate testimonials quickly, it's up to you to ensure they are polished and ready for use in your marketing materials.