

  1. copy the prompt
  1. paste in chatGPT
  1. If there is a placeholder, usually in this format [placeholder], replace it once you will have copied the prompt inside ChatGPT.


Writing Frameworks
Situation, Task, Action, Result
Describes the situation or context, the specific task or goal, the actions taken to achieve it, and the resulting outcome or impact.
Context, Action, Result
Describes the context or situation, the specific action taken, and the resulting outcome or impact.
Problem, Action, Result
Describes the problem or challenge faced, the specific action taken to address it, and the resulting outcome or impact.
Situation, Action, Result
Describes the situation or context, the specific action taken, and the resulting outcome or impact.
Context, Challenge, Action, Result
Describes the context or situation, the specific challenge or obstacle faced, the action taken to address it, and the resulting outcome or impact.
Choosing the right format: Help me choose the right format for my resume based on my job experience.
"What resume format should I use for my job experience in [industry] as a [position] applying for [type of job] at [company]?"
"Can you suggest the best resume format for my job history as a [position] in [field], applying for a [type of job] at [company]?"
"What is the most effective resume format for [field], applying for a [type of job] at [company]?"
Resume Market Research: Provide me with examples of resumes that are relevant to my field of work.
"I'm applying for a [type of job] at [company] as a [position] in [field]. Can you show me some resume examples for similar positions?"
"Can you provide me with some resume samples that are tailored to [field] and for applying to [type of job] positions?"
"I'm in [industry] and I'm applying for a [type of job] at [company]. Can you show me some resumes that have been successful in similar applications?"
Summary/ Objective: Help me write a summary or objective statement that highlights my skills and experience.
"I am a [position] with [years of experience] in [field]. Can you help me write a summary statement that highlights my skills and experience for a [type of job] position at [company]?"
"I am an experienced [position] looking to transition to a [type of job] position at [company]. Can you help me write an objective statement that will grab the attention of potential employers?"
"Can you help me write a summary statement that highlights my achievements as a [position] in [field] and is relevant to the [type of job] position at [company]?"
Keywords to use in Resume: To pass the first filter for getting shortlisted Suggest keywords and phrases that I should include in my resume to make it stand out to potential employers.
"What keywords should I use on my resume to attract potential employers for a [type of job] position at [company] in [industry]?"
"Can you suggest some phrases or keywords that will make my resume stand out for a [position] in [field]?"
"What are some buzzwords that I can include in my resume to help me get noticed for a [type of job] position at [company]?"
Bullet Points: Help me write clear and concise bullet points that describe my work experience and achievements.
"Can you help me write effective bullet points that clearly describe my work experience as a [position] in [field], and are relevant to the [type of job] position at [company]? I have provided a few things i have worked on below {…}"
"I want to highlight my achievements as a [position] in [field]. Can you help me write concise bullet points that will showcase my accomplishments and help me stand out to potential employers?"
"What are some examples of bullet points that I can use to describe my work experience and achievements as a [position] in [field], that are relevant to a [type of job] position at [company]?"
Feedback: Provide me with feedback on my existing resume and suggest areas for improvement.
"I have a resume for a [position] in [field] that I want to improve. Can you provide me with feedback on the following bullet points in my resume and suggest areas that I can improve on to increase my chances of getting a [type of job] position at [company]?"
"Can you review my the following bullet points in my resume related to {this} field of study and {industry} and suggest changes that I can make to tailor it to a [type of job] position at [company]?"
"Based on the below bullet points I have provided for my experience in {job title} in {company}, Could you suggest what modifications should I make to my resume to make it more effective for {role} in {industry}.
Tailoring resume to specific job role: Help me tailor my resume to a specific job description or company.
"I'm applying for a [type of job] position at [company] and want to tailor my resume to the job description. Can you help me highlight the skills and qualifications that the employer is looking for?"
"Can you suggest changes that I can make to my resume I have pasted below, to match the requirements of a [type of job] position at [company] in [industry]? {paste resume}"
"I want to make sure that my resume stands out to [company] when applying for a [type of job] position. Can you help me tailor my resume to the company's culture and values? I{ have added a few bullets below about company’s culture and values from their website}"
Suggest and write additional sections or information to include in my resume, such as relevant coursework, volunteer experience, or certifications.
"I have completed some relevant coursework in {coursework details} that I think would be helpful to highlight on my resume for a [type of job] position in [field]. Can you suggest how I can include this information effectively. Please provide the information in bullet points in short concise wording that I can add to my resume?"
"I have a lot of volunteer experience in { } that I think would be relevant to a [type of job] position at [company] in [industry]. Can you help me showcase this experience on my resume in clear and concise bullet format? I need a maximum of three bullet points"
"I have {XYZ} certifications that I think would help me stand out to potential employers when applying for a [type of job] position. Can you suggest how I can showcase these certifications on my resume?"
Proofread Resume Help me proofread my resume and ensure that it is free of spelling or grammatical errors.
"I want to make sure that my resume is error-free grammatically before submitting it to a potential employer. Can you help me proofread it and check for spelling and grammar errors?"
"Can you suggest improvements on the wording i have used in the following bullets to ensure they sound professional, concise and crisp ?"
Provide me with a custom resume template that fits my style and preferences.
"I want to create a unique and professional-looking resume that reflects my personal style for the {Job Title} in {Industry}. Can you provide me with a custom resume template that fits the standards of this industry and job title?"
"I want to make sure that my resume stands out to potential employers in the field of {industry}. Can you suggest a design or layout that will help me achieve this goal?"
"Can you help me create a visually appealing resume that is consistent with my personal brand?"
Create bullet points for my most recent [insert job title] role that showcases my achievements and impact.
Generate a summary that emphasizes my unique selling points and sets me apart from other candidates.
Create a summary that conveys my passion for [insert industry/field] and my career aspirations.
Create bullet points highlighting my experience managing [insert relevant task, e.g., budgets, teams, etc.]
Please review my resume and suggest any improvements or edits.
What are some common mistakes job seekers make in their resumes?
Write CV bullet points with a quantifiable matrix for [X role]
Create a thank you email template to send after the interview