Generating internal policy documents

Generating internal policy documents


ChatGPT, the AI language model, can be an incredibly useful tool for generating internal policy documents. With ChatGPT, you can streamline the process of creating policies, as it can analyze and generate text based on the input it receives. By utilizing this technology, you can create comprehensive and customized policies tailored to your organization's specific needs. ChatGPT can also save you valuable time and resources by automating the policy creation process.
  1. copy the prompt
  1. paste in chatGPT
  1. If there is a placeholder, usually in this format [placeholder], replace it once you will have copied the prompt inside ChatGPT.


"Please generate a policy document that outlines the guidelines for [employee/contractor/vendor] behavior on company [premises/property], including policies for [smoking/alcohol consumption/substance abuse/weapons possession], and access to [restricted areas/secure facilities]."
"Create a comprehensive policy document detailing our company's approach to [data protection/information security], including guidelines on [data handling/access management/security controls], and [data retention/destruction policies/data breach response plan]."
"Please generate a policy document that outlines the procedures for [reporting/responding to/investigating] security incidents in the workplace, including the appropriate [escalation procedures/notification process/chain of command] and [incident response protocols/remediation actions/communication plan]."
"Generate a policy document that outlines the procedures for managing and [approving/reviewing/processing] [expense reports/travel requests/purchase orders], including guidelines on [reimbursable expenses/budgetary limits/approval authority] and required [documentation/receipts/approval forms]."
"Please create a policy document that outlines the company's procedures for managing and addressing [employee complaints/grievances/whistleblower reports], including the process for [filing a complaint/raising a concern/investigating an allegation] and the steps that will be taken to [resolve the issue/protect against retaliation/communicate the outcome]."


Provide specific details and examples in your prompts to ChatGPT to help it understand what kind of policy document you need. The more information you give, the more accurate and relevant the generated document will be.
Use clear and concise language in your prompts to avoid confusion and misinterpretation by ChatGPT. This will ensure that the generated document is easy to understand and follow.
Take the time to review and edit the generated policy documents to ensure that they meet the needs of your organization and are consistent with your existing policies and procedures. While ChatGPT can save you time, it's still important to ensure the accuracy and quality of the generated text.