
Brainstorming in group activities

  1. copy the prompt
  1. paste in chatGPT
  1. If there is a placeholder, usually in this format [placeholder], replace it once you will have copied the prompt inside ChatGPT.


Generating research paper ideas based on their interests and goals
"Can you help me generate some research paper ideas based on my interests and goals in the field of [specific topic or subject], such as exploring the latest trends and advancements, identifying potential areas for improvement or innovation, or analyzing the impact of specific policies or initiatives? I want to make sure that my research is innovative, impactful, and aligned with my personal and professional goals."
Brainstorming discussion prompts for group projects or classroom activities
"Can you help me brainstorm some discussion prompts for my group project or classroom activity related to [specific topic or subject], that encourage critical thinking, active participation, and collaborative problem-solving? I want to make sure that my group or class is engaged, invested, and contributing meaningfully to the discussion."
Brainstorming presentation topics and angles for class assignments or competitions
"Can you help me brainstorm presentation topics and angles for my class assignment or competition related to [specific topic or subject], that are interesting, unique, and compelling, and that showcase my strengths and talents? I want to make sure that my presentation stands out and leaves a lasting impression on the audience."
Generating ideas for creative writing assignments or personal projects
"Can you help me generate ideas for my creative writing assignment or personal project, such as short stories, poetry, or non-fiction writing, that are inspired by my personal experiences, interests, or values, and that showcase my unique voice and perspective? I want to make sure that my writing is authentic, engaging, and resonates with readers."
Brainstorming entrepreneurial ideas and business plans for startups or social enterprises
"Can you help me brainstorm entrepreneurial ideas and business plans for my startup or social enterprise related to [specific industry or sector], that are innovative, sustainable, and aligned with my mission and values? I want to make sure that my business is viable, impactful, and addresses a real-world problem or need."